The domain is used to send email on behalf of our fundraising clients. We provide our fundraising clients with a turn-key online fundraising system. Our clients have a relationship with customer such as school, church groups, baseball teams, etc. who wish to raise money for their important causes. When participants register for a fundraising event, email is generated with their account information so they know where and how to login in. When their supporters “support” their event either by purchasing products online or donating cash, emails are generated.

All email is sent out on this single domain, The reason we use a single domain is for better control over the technical aspects of sending email, such as SPF, DKIM and DMARC records. Our email also contains a “ReplyTo” field which usually replies to the fundraising company you signed up with, not to this domain. However, one in a while, we receive a ReplyTo on this domain. When that happens, we forward the email to the correct fundraising company.

Good domain management helps build our domain’s reputation which improves what the industry calls “email deliverability”. Because there are SO MANY companies sending unsolicited email it has become difficult to send legitimate email. When a person registers to participate in a fundraising event, they Opt-In to receive email for the event. When their supporters purchase items online or make a donation, ONLY the normal order confirmation is sent to that supporter along with an Opt-Out link should they decide not to receive any further email. We do not send unsolicited email, we do not SPAM.

If you believe you have received unsolicited email from the domain, please forward a copy to us at [email protected]. We will analyze the email you received and track down it’s origin to make sure it doesn’t continue.

You can also Opt-out of any email or text for that matter from our websites by sending an email to [email protected].

Finally, IF you have been receiving legitimate email from domain as a result of one of our client’s fundraising events, either as a participant or as a supporter, rest assured that we will never, ever sell your email address to any other company. Your email address is safe with us and is only retained for one fundraising season. After the season is over, we delete email and start all over again. Note however, that if you choose to Opt-Out at anytime, we do retain a record of that from season to season. If you participant in a future fundraising event and provide your email address again, you will need to Opt-In to be removed from the email Opt-Out list. If you don’t, you will not receive any email from us during the fundraising event.

To learn more about MSM Fundraising, LLC, feel free to visit our home website at


MSM Fundraising, LLC.